Be Lucky! by Mel Wright The Drake and its regulars in an affectionate portrait of a south London community. All that Vi
Hutchings wants is to continue playing boogiewoogie piano down at The Drake in
Deptford. Despite better times as Shirley London during the Swinging Sixties, in
her maturing years she is still up for it. However Rose and George's planned
retirement to homeland Jamaica is on the cards and might just put a stop to Vi's
regular knees‑ups at the pub. Vi's
mission to keep
the tradition of the pub piano active is also compromised by having to put up
with the dubious local talents of Pyjama Man Terry, arch‑rival Sheila, as
well as bar fly Charlie Spanner and his cronies, who are more interested in who will
win the 2.30 at Kempton Park. Meanwhile Bill has taken a shine to Sandhi and her
enchanting bluesy voice while his own band, on a round of dead‑end
one‑nighters, has newly arrived at The Drake to threaten Vi's residency. Mel Wright, author of Rock Around Lewisham, plays drums and lives in Catford. ISBN
1 898536 07 4 Fiction/General Deptford Forum Publishing, 441
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