Deptford Forum Publishing

A continuing seaside caper…
Set in
Hastings, Mel Wright’s novel ‘You Can Save Me!’ combines an affectionate
comic postcard pastiche of a seaside-town with the social realism of
recession-battered Britain.
‘You Can Save Me!’
– Mel’s sequel to ‘One Thing and Another’ follows a group of characters
comical and their everyday experiences in this south eastern coastal town.
Despite the differences between them, their friendship is poignant and enduring.
It may still end up being the best thing they have.
Rita, Leo and Abi are feeling the pinch.
Woolworths closed down and small businesses sinking fast under the recession –
what chance does the English seaside town of Hastings have? Along the
promenade, the fun of the fair, hot doughnuts and candy floss are overshadowed
by a heavy cloud of redundancy. The pier is only hanging on by a breath.
Desperate to put his bankruptcy behind him, Leo’s new business venture could be
the very thing the town needs. So he thinks. Rita’s job hunting has thrown
everything up in the air but it may just be the making of her. Bill, the broody
Geordie outsider, is still turning up at the Job Centre for what good it does
him and seems blissfully unaware that he has an admirer. Between speed-dating,
Abi is still busy caring for Auntie Millie but an opportunity for a break comes
up in a surprising way. With the way things are going it’s just as well that
Millie is so good humoured in her old age. An eagerly awaited family reunion
with her long lost daughter is in the offing but events don’t go the way she
ISBN: 978-1-898536-19-2 Fiction:
£4.99. Cover illustration: Old Town by Night by Fiona Pienkowska, a Hastings artist and printmaker
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