Beyond The Jiving
Published July 2008

During the foggy 1950’s she worked in the poor districts of West
London trying to spark the imagination of working class youth. Margareta
Berger- Hamerschlag (1902 – 1958) an Austrian émigré artist, kept, and
had published, a diary of her work in youth clubs, illustrated with her
drawings. She chronicled her frustrations and highlighted the insights and
beliefs that had helped her better understand the post-war teenagers.
Beyond The Jiving by Mel Wright marks the fiftieth anniversary of
her death.
Largely overlooked for over fifty years, Margareta
Berger-Hamerschlag, taught art in youth clubs in the tough, back street
areas of Kilburn and Paddington during 1950’s. Her classes included rowdy,
jiving teddy boys and girls. They were taken aback by her brave insistence
that they widen their view of the world and she got them drawing and
painting. Most fiercely resisted, some begrudgingly conceded; a few
flourished. But despite the sheer frustration, Margareta’s most engaging
accomplishment was her understanding of these young people and her
compassionate and touching interest in their difficult situations. As a
result she became their confidante and supporter, listening and learning
about their harsh family lives. Through her diary, writings, drawings and
paintings, her work stands as a remarkable and moving social record of
working class youth in post war London. Mel Wright’s Beyond The Jiving is a
tribute to her work with young people.
£7.50 Design:
Jude Keen
Size A4 Landscape. Paperback. Regency Satin White
24pp, 18 black & white & 8 colour images. Limited edition.